Shift Your Fear Into Faith

Empowering women to step out of fear and into faith, to be the bold, unstoppable force they are called to be.

Shift Your Fear Into Faith

Empowering women to step out of fear and into faith, to be the bold, unstoppable force they are called to be.

Global Faith Influencer

Summer Dey

Speaker, Coach, Author

Summer Dey may look like an everyday mom, wife, and child of God, but she is far from ordinary!

Summer Dey is a highly sought-after International Speaker, Author, and Success Coach who has changed countless lives with her powerful and transformative message of shifting "Fear into Faith." She has spoken to and motivated thousands of people on platforms across the globe. She uses her voice to ignite vision, passion, and purpose in her audience.

She has been a successful entrepreneur for 20+ years and has worked with over 20,000 people on how to "own the spotlight." She has spent decades on developing her skills and been coached by some of the greatest motivational speakers on the planet - including Pete Vargas, Pat Quinn, Dani Johnson, Dr. Clarice Fluitt, Tamara Lowe, and Les Brown!

Summer Dey

Speaker, Coach, Author

Summer Dey may look like an everyday mom, wife, and child of God, but she is far from ordinary!

Summer Dey is a highly sought-after International Speaker, Author, and Success Coach who has changed countless lives with her powerful and transformative message of shifting "Fear into Faith." She has spoken to and motivated thousands of people on platforms across the globe. She uses her voice to ignite vision, passion, and purpose in her audience.

She has been a successful entrepreneur for 20+ years and has worked with over 20,000 people on how to "own the spotlight." She has spent decades on developing her skills and been coached by some of the greatest motivational speakers on the planet - including Pete Vargas, Pat Quinn, Dani Johnson, Dr. Clarice Fluitt, Tamara Lowe, and Les Brown!

Fire Your Fear Free Download

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Fire Your Fear by Summer Dey

This eBook is one of Summer Dey's most popular publications

available as a free download.

In this book you will learn how to stop letting fear & anxiety rule your life by:

  • Shifting the Words You Speak.

  • Winning the Battle in Your Mind.

  • Trusting God's Word.

  • Putting God Above Your Fear.

  • Finding Freedom in Forgiveness.

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

Fire Your Fear by Summer Dey

This eBook is one of Summer Dey's most popular publications

available as a free download.

In this book you will learn how to stop letting fear & anxiety rule your life by:

  • Shifting the Words You Speak.

  • Winning the Battle in Your Mind.

  • Trusting God's Word.

  • Putting God Above Your Fear.

  • Finding Freedom in Forgiveness.

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Life & Business

Want thorough training to help you master your trade, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?

Summer Dey offers high quality online video training that you can watch on your own time. So you can learn on your own time – and grow on your own time. We pour passion, knowledge, and practical pointers into all of our videos. Which means the trainings won’t just engage you; they’ll also change you.

What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana, Michael Hyatt and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches.

Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results! Check out our coaching services designed to accelerate your success.

When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change. You want more than temporary motivation… you want to create permanent transformation! After all, it’s your responsibility to make the event memorable, and you don’t want to leave anything to chance. Summer Dey delivers skill-building content and cutting-edge insights that will educate and energize your audience.

Mastering Your Mouth

Mastering Your Voice

Crushing Fear

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Life & Business

Want thorough training to help you master your trade, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?

Summer Dey offers high quality online video training that you can watch on your own time. So you can learn on your own time – and grow on your own time. We pour passion, knowledge, and practical pointers into all of our videos. Which means the trainings won’t just engage you; they’ll also change you.

What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana, Michael Hyatt and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches.

Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results! Check out our coaching services designed to accelerate your success.

When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change. You want more than temporary motivation… you want to create permanent transformation! After all, it’s your responsibility to make the event memorable, and you don’t want to leave anything to chance. Summer Dey delivers skill-building content and cutting-edge insights that will educate and energize your audience.

Mastering Your Mouth

Mastering Your Voice

Crushing Fear

What People Are Saying

Les Brown

Les Brown

Summer gives you the skill set so that you can create an experience with an audience and take them to a place IN themselves that they can't go BY themselves...

She allows them to have a vision beyond their abuse, a vision beyond the things that they’ve gone through, a vision beyond all of the chaos, the fear, the anxiety, and the hopelessness that so many people experience.

Jean Marie Kaehler

Jean Marie Kaehler

"I struggled with anxiety, depression and unworthiness for over 15 years. I tried all the "right" things - from counseling to personal development. Not matter what I tried I couldn't seem to get breakthrough to stick. Then I started coaching with Summer and I got more healing in her 90-day program than I did in 15 years of therapy! And I am happy to report that over a year later, the results are still sticking."

Shannon Eckhoff

Zach Lowe

"Summer Dey is the best, she has a great ability to get people more confident, more clear, be incredible speakers, and learn how to use body language in their speeches.. We love having her as a speaker at our events and a part of our team.

Karen Mettam

Karen Mettam

"Summer created a safe space for me to share my fears, my breakthroughs, my failures and successes. I learned so much through the forgiveness model and God taught me so much about myself through this.

I would recommend any woman to invest in themselves and to do this course. You are worth it!"

Tammy Price

Tammy Price

I have learned so much from the work we do in our private Facebook Group. The community critiques and feedback on my video's has really transformed my abilities as a speaker and communicator. Taking Summer Dey's Master Your Voice course has really helped me improve my confidence in speaking in front of others as well as my ability to convey a message on social media AND in person in front of a crowd.

Shannon Eckhoff

Shannon Eckhoff

"I was completely lost in life. I felt terrified and alone because I was barely functioning and was always in survival mode. Then I joined Summer's Fear Into Faith Coaching Program and I implemented the steps I learned. I now feel incredible confidence, freedom, and self-love. I finally have pride & joy in being WHO I WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.

The BEST decision I ever made was finally investing in myself and joining this program. It literally saved me life!"

What People Are Saying

Les Brown

Les Brown

Summer gives you the skill set so that you can create an experience with an audience and take them to a place IN themselves that they can't go BY themselves...

She allows them to have a vision beyond their abuse, a vision beyond the things that they’ve gone through, a vision beyond all of the chaos, the fear, the anxiety, and the hopelessness that so many people experience.

Jean Marie Kaehler

Jean Marie Kaehler

"I struggled with anxiety, depression and unworthiness for over 15 years. I tried all the "right" things - from counseling to personal development. Not matter what I tried I couldn't seem to get breakthrough to stick. Then I started coaching with Summer and I got more healing in her 90-day program than I did in 15 years of therapy! And I am happy to report that over a year later, the results are still sticking."

Jean Marie Kaehler

Zach Lowe

"Summer Dey is the best, she has a great ability to get people more confident, more clear, be incredible speakers, and learn how to use body language in their speeches.. We love having her as a speaker at our events and a part of our team.

Karen Mettam

Karen Mettam

"Summer created a safe space for me to share my fears, my breakthroughs, my failures and successes. I learned so much through the forgiveness model and God taught me so much about myself through this.

I would recommend any woman to invest in themselves and to do this course. You are worth it!"

Tammy Price

Tammy Price

I have learned so much from the work we do in our private Facebook Group. The community critiques and feedback on my video's has really transformed my abilities as a speaker and communicator. Taking Summer Dey's Master Your Voice course has really helped me improve my confidence in speaking in front of others as well as my ability to convey a message on social media AND in person in front of a crowd.

Shannon Eckhoff

Shannon Eckhoff

"I was completely lost in life. I felt terrified and alone because I was barely functioning and was always in survival mode. Then I joined Summer's Fear Into Faith Coaching Program and I implemented the steps I learned. I now feel incredible confidence, freedom, and self-love. I finally have pride & joy in being WHO I WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.

The BEST decision I ever made was finally investing in myself and joining this program. It literally saved me life!"

On The Blog

Avoid Burning Out By Finding the Right Balance

I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself motivated...

Reward Accomplishments if you Break your Habits

Life becomes more worth living when you know that for every good thing that you did, a reward is bound to come your way. By this time, you already know...

How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing.

Goals & Plans

How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

October 11, 20234 min read

Goals are a super important part of achieving success. AND, there's more to success that "just" creating goals. Yes, goals are important, and it's the process of planning a roadmap to achieve those goals that can be equally important!

Goals & Plans

So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing. For instance, you might find that you need a certain amount of money to make your dream of travelling happen.

In that case, you need to look at the options available to you to make that money. Or maybe you want to achieve a certain thing in your career and you realize that in order to get there, there is a certain amount of experience you need to acquire first. How can you acquire said experience?

There are many similar examples of how you might go after a particular goal but the thing to remember in every case is that you need to focus on small steps that are just ahead of you. That might mean the next small promotion. It might mean a small upgrade to your home. It might mean developing any form of small income.

With that in mind, you’re then going to break these smaller goals down even further. Now the objective is to look at the smallest possible steps that you need to take on a daily or weekly basis to get there. So if your goal is to have a body like Brad Pitt, then that smallest daily step is simple: diet and exercise.

Look around, find a training plan and a diet that works for you, and then commit to sticking to that every single day without one flaw. Likewise, if your goal is to be a top novelist, then your daily goal is going to be to write X number of words per day. Make the goals easy to accomplish but ensure that they take positive – if small – steps in the right direction.

This is the key target. This is the primary directive. You’re going to imagine that vision and let it motivate you when the times get rough. But you are going to forget anything other than the daily target. Right now, that is all that matters.

To help you visualize this, here is what it basically boils down to:

Dream/Vision (Overarching Goal) > Plan (Stepping Stone Goals) > Daily Target (Daily/Weekly Goal)

Changing Your Thinking

So why is this change in thinking so important? The answer is that focusing too much on a distant goal will make you too detached from what it is you’re trying to accomplish. For instance, if your only ‘goal’ is to become a novelist, then you lack any real structure or any plan.

This is going to make it very hard for you to stick too. It’s all too easy for you to get lazy, to take shortcuts or even forget all about it. Even if your goal is more specific and time-sensitive – such as losing 15kg in 6 months – you are still too detached from it. Why? Because a) you might still think it’s okay to skip a workout or to cheat on your diet one day and then ‘put off’ the goal.

By the time you have 1 month left and you’re still no lighter, you might give up. Or what if you stick to the plan as much as possible but you still don’t see the results you want? How disheartening is that? So instead, the goal is the target. You focus just on the one day.

You either succeed or fail. It is entirely down to you. It’s entirely your responsibility and no excuses cut it. But if you keep focusing on the daily targets, you will find that the overarching vision takes care of itself. It’s like building a house brick by brick, or taking a journey step-by-step.

Some Final Tips

Just to help you stick to your path, consider a few pointers.

One: keep your daily targets easy to accomplish. Introduce them slowly. Don’t be in a rush to get anywhere. It is better that you just start to enjoy exercise than letting yourself get burned out or put off.

Two: keep track of the days you succeed and lose. Jerry Seinfeld uses this technique and calls it ‘the chain’.

Every day he does what he sets out to do, he puts a big cross on his calendar. This is rewarding and addictive in and of itself and his desire to ‘not break the chain’ is reportedly enough to keep him from giving up.

Three: use the most practical and proven methods to get where you want to be. You must believe in your plan.

Why are we willing to go into work every day but not work on a plan we enjoy and that could make us richer? Simple: because when we go to work we definitely get paid. You need a similar plan. Something that will help you to definitely get where you need to be at least in your mind.

And finally: don’t get disheartened if you miss one day. The aim is not to of course. But if you slip up, go easy on yourself and just jump straight back on that horse!

Summer Dey

Summer Dey is a highly sought-after International Speaker, Author, and Success Coach who has changed countless lives with her powerful and transformative message of shifting "Fear into Faith." She has spoken to and motivated thousands of people on platforms across the globe. She uses her voice to ignite vision, passion, and purpose in her audience.

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On The Blog

Goals & Plans

How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

October 11, 20234 min read

Goals are a super important part of achieving success. AND, there's more to success that "just" creating goals. Yes, goals are important, and it's the process of planning a roadmap to achieve those goals that can be equally important!

Goals & Plans

So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing. For instance, you might find that you need a certain amount of money to make your dream of travelling happen.

In that case, you need to look at the options available to you to make that money. Or maybe you want to achieve a certain thing in your career and you realize that in order to get there, there is a certain amount of experience you need to acquire first. How can you acquire said experience?

There are many similar examples of how you might go after a particular goal but the thing to remember in every case is that you need to focus on small steps that are just ahead of you. That might mean the next small promotion. It might mean a small upgrade to your home. It might mean developing any form of small income.

With that in mind, you’re then going to break these smaller goals down even further. Now the objective is to look at the smallest possible steps that you need to take on a daily or weekly basis to get there. So if your goal is to have a body like Brad Pitt, then that smallest daily step is simple: diet and exercise.

Look around, find a training plan and a diet that works for you, and then commit to sticking to that every single day without one flaw. Likewise, if your goal is to be a top novelist, then your daily goal is going to be to write X number of words per day. Make the goals easy to accomplish but ensure that they take positive – if small – steps in the right direction.

This is the key target. This is the primary directive. You’re going to imagine that vision and let it motivate you when the times get rough. But you are going to forget anything other than the daily target. Right now, that is all that matters.

To help you visualize this, here is what it basically boils down to:

Dream/Vision (Overarching Goal) > Plan (Stepping Stone Goals) > Daily Target (Daily/Weekly Goal)

Changing Your Thinking

So why is this change in thinking so important? The answer is that focusing too much on a distant goal will make you too detached from what it is you’re trying to accomplish. For instance, if your only ‘goal’ is to become a novelist, then you lack any real structure or any plan.

This is going to make it very hard for you to stick too. It’s all too easy for you to get lazy, to take shortcuts or even forget all about it. Even if your goal is more specific and time-sensitive – such as losing 15kg in 6 months – you are still too detached from it. Why? Because a) you might still think it’s okay to skip a workout or to cheat on your diet one day and then ‘put off’ the goal.

By the time you have 1 month left and you’re still no lighter, you might give up. Or what if you stick to the plan as much as possible but you still don’t see the results you want? How disheartening is that? So instead, the goal is the target. You focus just on the one day.

You either succeed or fail. It is entirely down to you. It’s entirely your responsibility and no excuses cut it. But if you keep focusing on the daily targets, you will find that the overarching vision takes care of itself. It’s like building a house brick by brick, or taking a journey step-by-step.

Some Final Tips

Just to help you stick to your path, consider a few pointers.

One: keep your daily targets easy to accomplish. Introduce them slowly. Don’t be in a rush to get anywhere. It is better that you just start to enjoy exercise than letting yourself get burned out or put off.

Two: keep track of the days you succeed and lose. Jerry Seinfeld uses this technique and calls it ‘the chain’.

Every day he does what he sets out to do, he puts a big cross on his calendar. This is rewarding and addictive in and of itself and his desire to ‘not break the chain’ is reportedly enough to keep him from giving up.

Three: use the most practical and proven methods to get where you want to be. You must believe in your plan.

Why are we willing to go into work every day but not work on a plan we enjoy and that could make us richer? Simple: because when we go to work we definitely get paid. You need a similar plan. Something that will help you to definitely get where you need to be at least in your mind.

And finally: don’t get disheartened if you miss one day. The aim is not to of course. But if you slip up, go easy on yourself and just jump straight back on that horse!

Summer Dey

Summer Dey is a highly sought-after International Speaker, Author, and Success Coach who has changed countless lives with her powerful and transformative message of shifting "Fear into Faith." She has spoken to and motivated thousands of people on platforms across the globe. She uses her voice to ignite vision, passion, and purpose in her audience.

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On The Blog

Goals & Plans

How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

October 11, 20234 min read

Goals are a super important part of achieving success. AND, there's more to success that "just" creating goals. Yes, goals are important, and it's the process of planning a roadmap to achieve those goals that can be equally important!

Goals & Plans

So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing. For instance, you might find that you need a certain amount of money to make your dream of travelling happen.

In that case, you need to look at the options available to you to make that money. Or maybe you want to achieve a certain thing in your career and you realize that in order to get there, there is a certain amount of experience you need to acquire first. How can you acquire said experience?

There are many similar examples of how you might go after a particular goal but the thing to remember in every case is that you need to focus on small steps that are just ahead of you. That might mean the next small promotion. It might mean a small upgrade to your home. It might mean developing any form of small income.

With that in mind, you’re then going to break these smaller goals down even further. Now the objective is to look at the smallest possible steps that you need to take on a daily or weekly basis to get there. So if your goal is to have a body like Brad Pitt, then that smallest daily step is simple: diet and exercise.

Look around, find a training plan and a diet that works for you, and then commit to sticking to that every single day without one flaw. Likewise, if your goal is to be a top novelist, then your daily goal is going to be to write X number of words per day. Make the goals easy to accomplish but ensure that they take positive – if small – steps in the right direction.

This is the key target. This is the primary directive. You’re going to imagine that vision and let it motivate you when the times get rough. But you are going to forget anything other than the daily target. Right now, that is all that matters.

To help you visualize this, here is what it basically boils down to:

Dream/Vision (Overarching Goal) > Plan (Stepping Stone Goals) > Daily Target (Daily/Weekly Goal)

Changing Your Thinking

So why is this change in thinking so important? The answer is that focusing too much on a distant goal will make you too detached from what it is you’re trying to accomplish. For instance, if your only ‘goal’ is to become a novelist, then you lack any real structure or any plan.

This is going to make it very hard for you to stick too. It’s all too easy for you to get lazy, to take shortcuts or even forget all about it. Even if your goal is more specific and time-sensitive – such as losing 15kg in 6 months – you are still too detached from it. Why? Because a) you might still think it’s okay to skip a workout or to cheat on your diet one day and then ‘put off’ the goal.

By the time you have 1 month left and you’re still no lighter, you might give up. Or what if you stick to the plan as much as possible but you still don’t see the results you want? How disheartening is that? So instead, the goal is the target. You focus just on the one day.

You either succeed or fail. It is entirely down to you. It’s entirely your responsibility and no excuses cut it. But if you keep focusing on the daily targets, you will find that the overarching vision takes care of itself. It’s like building a house brick by brick, or taking a journey step-by-step.

Some Final Tips

Just to help you stick to your path, consider a few pointers.

One: keep your daily targets easy to accomplish. Introduce them slowly. Don’t be in a rush to get anywhere. It is better that you just start to enjoy exercise than letting yourself get burned out or put off.

Two: keep track of the days you succeed and lose. Jerry Seinfeld uses this technique and calls it ‘the chain’.

Every day he does what he sets out to do, he puts a big cross on his calendar. This is rewarding and addictive in and of itself and his desire to ‘not break the chain’ is reportedly enough to keep him from giving up.

Three: use the most practical and proven methods to get where you want to be. You must believe in your plan.

Why are we willing to go into work every day but not work on a plan we enjoy and that could make us richer? Simple: because when we go to work we definitely get paid. You need a similar plan. Something that will help you to definitely get where you need to be at least in your mind.

And finally: don’t get disheartened if you miss one day. The aim is not to of course. But if you slip up, go easy on yourself and just jump straight back on that horse!

Summer Dey

Summer Dey is a highly sought-after International Speaker, Author, and Success Coach who has changed countless lives with her powerful and transformative message of shifting "Fear into Faith." She has spoken to and motivated thousands of people on platforms across the globe. She uses her voice to ignite vision, passion, and purpose in her audience.

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